Use Case: Capturing Missing Demographics

“If only we knew this about that individual…” There’s pretty broad agreement in the media and publishing industry that, in a post-cookie world, complete and robust audience profiles will be the key driver for maximizing the value of the audiences you diligently grew and nurtured. And data depth and quality will be make-or-break differentiators in the decision making of your sponsors as they evaluate where to spend their advertising budgets. It is equally true that professional and consumer audiences are rightly cautious about providing too much detail and are skeptical of how that information will be used. So how do you bridge that gap? Leverage interactive content and the CredSpark-Omeda integration to capture vital zero-party data while providing tangible value for your audience. One of the most valuable use cases enabled by the deep integration between CredSpark and Omeda is capturing missing audience data—demographics, firmographics, psychographics, and more. Mutual CredSpark and Omeda clients create CredSpark interactions and present them to audience members who have been identified by Omeda as missing key profile information. These interactions can range from simple, one-question micro experiences to richer, immersive interactive content that engages audiences while providing simultaneous value for their time and attention. Clients who have used this approach have found it highly effective in capturing new audience data while still generating high engagement rates. BNP Media leveraged CredSpark’s deep integration with Omeda’s audience marketing platform to identify website visitors who were missing key demographic information and then served them an interaction that captured that data. Click to view the interaction: Key Factors in Successfully Capturing Audience Data Through the CredSpark-Omeda Integration. A few best practices have emerged as mutual CredSpark and Omeda clients have experimented with using interactive content to complete their audience profiles. Don’t ask for everything all at once. Keep it short and sweet. Prioritize your missing profile data and go after the most important fields first. Make it progressive. One of the most powerful benefits of the CredSpark-Omeda integration is the enablement of progressive profiling through interactive content. Collect individual data elements of your audience profile longitudinally over successive visits. It’s more manageable and less interruptive for your audience and we’ve seen higher engagement than multi-question forms and surveys. Use what you ask for. Don’t collect data for the sake of data collection. Have a clear understanding of how you’ll use the information you’re collecting. After all, data is only useful if you actually use it. Be transparent and connect the value you provide with the data you’re asking for. Audiences appreciate honesty. Be upfront about why you’re asking for this information and make sure you explicitly tie it back to the value that data generates for your audience members (a more personalized experience, richer community, more relevance, etc.) Stop worrying. Start asking! It’s time to get more proactive about deepening and broadening your audience data and the tight integration between CredSpark and Omeda can help you achieve that objective. PLUS: That integration is about to get a lot better… Contact us for more info. Learn more about the CredSpark-Omeda. Integration Learn more about Omeda.

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