There are four major opportunities in which associations can leverage the power of personalization to drive real value for their membership by transforming how they view association services & benefits. Take a look...
Savvy marketers are now leveraging new engagement features to turn their narrative content into interactive discovery experiences and collecting actionable data and highly qualified leads in the process.
Long-tail content can be exceptionally relevant for readers. But we can't really expect them to slog through our backlogs of content to find what's meaningful for them. However, AI can help us find the needles in the proverbial haystacks that are exactly suited to our needs and interests.
Gilbert Gottfried rose to become a successful comedian during the 1990’s, known for his tendency to get audiences’ attention through shockingly inappropriate jokes. Gottfried’s career recovered from an infamous joke he made in NYC about the 9/11 attacks--only two weeks after 9/11. But it did not ...
Many things in this world are scarce. Content is not among those things. As content distribution costs have gone to zero, content has flooded the world. Which makes it hard to find exactly the content you need. Over-abundant content - User-generated, curated, "fake news", etc. - has simply created a ...
Part I: Media's Crisis and The Way Forward Media firms face a true existential crisis: What is their purpose ? Why do they exist? For about 150 years, Media businesses were the only way to get messages, both non-commercial (news) and commercial (ads), in front of large groups of specific ...
Back in school, we spent our days listening to teachers. Now--consciously or not--we spend our days listening to brands. Is your brand just like that boring, ineffective teacher you used to have (and couldn't stand)? Here are 5 warning signs. Your Brand Lectures Endlessly. When Hollywood shows a terrible teacher, ...