Most forward-looking organizations are leveraging data and data science to improve business and operational results. But convincing your audience to provide additional data? Now that's truly an art.
Demographic data and purchase history are not enough. Socrates understood the power of a question. You should too. Make sure you're leveraging the opportunities of querying your audience, and let them tell you their story.
The media circus around the Facebook scandal has died down and the news cycle has moved on. But the true impact of this and other data privacy scandals will last a long time and will be widely felt. This is about to get real...
The publishing industry has taken a beating of late. But there's one segment that's beaten the odds. And there's a way they might just build the future of the industry.
Gilbert Gottfried rose to become a successful comedian during the 1990’s, known for his tendency to get audiences’ attention through shockingly inappropriate jokes. Gottfried’s career recovered from an infamous joke he made in NYC about the 9/11 attacks--only two weeks after 9/11. But it did not ...