CredSpark Events & Video Guides

Casey's Tips and Tricks

April 10th, 2024 | Recording

Get The Most Out Of Your CredSpark License

Creating engaging interactive content is easier than you think.

Topics: Interactive Content, CredSpark How-To videos, Media & Publishing, Lead Generation

Looking to get the most out of CredSpark? Casey Cornelius, Head of Content and Client Services, will walk you through best practices and a few advanced features to help you leverage CredSpark to save time, and get better results. This webinar includes a Q&A from our clients as well.

Key benefits for watching or attending include:

  • Quiz best practices.
  • When and how to ask for contact information.
  • How to put interactions in your Results View.


Casey Cornelius

As CredSpark’s Head of Content and Client services, Casey Cornelius is a former educator with deep experience in learning and development, curriculum design, and assessment. She also has more than five years experience working with B2B marketing and audience development teams to create engaging, enriching interactive content.

Take the time to learn how to take your CredSpark game to the next level!

Download and watch the recorded event now.